
St. Patrick’s Day Shamrocks


Happy weekend, guys! So sorry I have been MIA as I have been sick again😩 I swear it must be all this warm weather I have been bragging about! Almost 70 degrees one day then turned around and snowed the next. My allergies have been awful since having Lo. I haven’t had seasonal allergies since I was a kid and now I need a prescription year-round so my throat doesn’t feel like it’s closing! Ahh the joys of motherhood. Thank gosh she is cute and totally worth it-most days😂

Anyway I can’t believe St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. Spring can’t be too far away right?? Well, we have been learning all about the color green over at our house and this is a super fun St. Patrick’s painting activity. My niece gets so excited for “big girl paint” because Aunt Kiki usual only lets her paint with water, seriously-see my “Construction Paper Water Painting” post. It’s a lifesaver!

•1 Green Pepper
•Green paint (I got this huge size of washable paint at Walmart for less an $2!)


Cut your pepper in half like this:



Pour your paint onto a paper plate or bowl. “Stamp” the pepper half into the paint then onto the paper!

Repeat over and over again!


Here is our lovely assistant who was way to busy having a dance party to join us😂

After my niece was done, I went back with a small paintbrush and added the shamrock “stems”. So cute!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! And Happy Painting!

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